The time has come to effect a little fleet management I fear. The current car count stands at 7 and whilst all work, only 6 are road registered and legal. The seventh sinner is a interesting beast; a 1991 Range Rover, ex Police vehicle. Purchased from the previous owner of our house its intended use was to tow the flail mower and generally be a workhorse around the place. In reality I use the Discovery and have had little need of it.
We’ve run the car a few times and while the steering is rather woolly and the brakes quite desperate, after I put a freshly charged battery in on Monday she started first turn of the key. What a wonderful sound that 3.9 litre Rover V8 makes. Big Mike and I gave her a quick clean up and at least I was impressed.
So, what to do? Mike suggested contacting a club interested in ex Police vehicles which is a sound plan and as you can see from the pic below the car still sports some of the bespoke cop kit – and there’s even more in the boot.
Not sure if I’ll have any takers… if not I’ll just have to restore her myself. I can just see myself tootling round the lanes in a police liveried Rangie…or perhaps I can park opposite our drive and use the car as a warning to that damn motorcylist who seems to enjoy hurtling down our lane at an unfeasible and unsafe speed. We’ll see.